Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ok.. who doesn't love 'Starry Night' by Van Gogh?

Ok.. who doesn't love 'Starry Night' by Van Gogh?  Well, i'm sure there are a lot who don't, especially considering how MUCH we see it!

But.. i found this blog post at Popped Culture.. of artists who have used this iconic painting as a basis for a parody!  I just LOVE them!!

Plus it also pulls into question.. when is it copyright infringement.  One of my biggest problems with my OWN painting, because i'm afraid my brain will copy someone else's work by accident.. something that happens a lot!

Anyway.. here's a sample of the works.. and a LINK to the post!  :-D

OH!  And speaking of Starry Night... check this interpretation out!  A photograph by Alex Ruiz!

Or THIS interpretation.. Starry Chicago Night (don't know the creator).. half painting, half photo!